2007. szeptember 30., vasárnap

2007. szeptember 29., szombat

2007. szeptember 25., kedd

2007. szeptember 24., hétfő

2007. szeptember 21., péntek

2007. szeptember 17., hétfő

2007. szeptember 13., csütörtök

2007. szeptember 12., szerda

cloCK dvA

Buried Dreams

La Comtesse de Sang
Your seeds of madness
The colour of eternity
They blossom in torture
In an autumn of fear
In a harvest of pain
In a garden of evil

La Comtesse de Sang
Can you recall
The faces
The bodies
The voices
The blood that flows each dawn
A chemical nightmare
Just look in the mirror
Stain of your image
Burnt into metal

La Comtesse de Sang
They could not destroy you
Only keep you prisoner
And left you to die
And buried your dreams
With the earth of justice
And they could not suppress
The darkness the image the power

La Comtesse de Sang
Your seeds of madness
The colour of eternity
They blossom in torture
In an autumn of fear
In a harvest of pain
In a garden of evil

jESuS n tHe mARy chAIn