2007. szeptember 2., vasárnap

Leila Ida Nerrissa Waddell

There are many discussions about this picture., originally printed in the book of lies.
The best explanaition I found is this: Leila has the sign of the sun painted on her breast.
In front is the symbol of the cup of Babalon as a disc, like it is also painted in Crowley`s Toth tarot, as a disc on the card : The chariot.

Leila Ida Nerissa Waddell

L.A.Y.L.A.H- magickal name, explained by Crowley


- District where she was born
- Magickal Pseudonym:
L.Bathurst IX° Grand Secretary General O.T.O.
(Manifesto / of the/ MMM / issued by order )

Soror Laylah - A.·. A.·.

Means that she is member of the order Argentum Astrum founded by Aleister Crowley in 1904.

Sister Cybele

Cybele in Moonchild

"Cybele, Latin name of a goddess native to Phrygia in Asia Minor and known to the Greeks as Rhea, the wife of the Titan Cronus and mother of the Olympian gods. Cybele is a goddess of nature and fertility who was worshiped in Rome as the Great Mother. Because Cybele presided over mountains and fortresses, her crown was in the form of a city wall, and she was also known to the Romans as Mater Turrita. The cult of Cybele was directed by eunuch priests called Corybantes, who led the faithful in orgiastic rites accompanied by wild cries and the frenzied music of flutes, drums, and cymbals." (found at: http://www.hermetic.ch/cal_stud/lunarcal/goddess.htm)

Scarlet Woman

Laylah was called scarlet woman, because she was a love of Aleister Crowley. The scarlet woman is mentioned in the book of the law. Corwley, thinking he was the beast 666, always searched for the scarlet woman, predicted by Aiwass and so he always gave this name to his actual partners.

Aleister Crowley explains it in the book of lies: "Waratah - Blossoms" Babalon

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